Sushruta Samhita Chapter 39 Samshodhana Samshamaniya Adhyaya

This text explains Sushruta Samhita Sutrasthana Chapter 39 “Samshodhana Samshamaniya Adhyaya” – Purificatory and Palliative Medication.

Samshodhana Samshamaniya Adhyaya – Purificatory and Palliative Medication

अथातः संशोधनसंशमनीयमध्यायं व्याख्यास्यामः ||१||
यथोवाच भगवान् धन्वन्तरिः ||२||

We’ll now expound the chapter by identify Samshodhana Samshamaniya Purificatory and Palliative medicine; as revealed by the venerable Dhanvantari.
Learn – Lord Dhanwantari ‘The God of Ayurveda’

1.  Samshodhana – Purificatory medicine.

1.  Vamana dravya – Emetics

मदनकुटजजीमूतकेक्ष्वाकुधामार्गवकृतवेधनसर्षपविडङ्गपिप्पलीकरञ्जप्रपुन्नाड कोविदारकर्बुदारारिष्टाश्वगन्धाविदुलबन्धुजीवकश्वेताशणपुष्पीबिम्बीवचामृगेर्वारवश्चित्रा चेत्यूर्ध्वभागहराणि |
तत्र, कोविदारपूर्वाणां फलानि, कोविदारादीनां मूलानि ||३||

Urdhwa Bhaga Hara Dravya / Vamaka Dravya – Under talked about medicine are mentioned to be urdhva bhaga hara in motion i.e., they take away the doshas from higher a part of the physique. To place it in different phrases, these medicine produce vomiting. Subsequently, these will be thought of as emetic medicine. They’re –

  • Madana,
  • Kutaja,
  • Jimutaka,
  • Ikshvaku,
  • Dhamargava,
  • Kritavedhana,
  • Sarshapa,
  • Vidanga,
  • Pippali,
  • Karanja,
  • Prapunnada,
  • Kovidara,
  • Karbudara,
  • Arista,
  • Ashwagandha,
  • Vidula,
  • Bandhu Jivaka,
  • Sveta,
  • Shanapuspi,
  • Bimbi,
  • Vaca,
  • Mrigervaru and
  • Chitra

Amongst these medicine talked about previous to Kovidara, their fruits solely are to be used and from Kovidara onwards their roots solely ought to be used. 
Learn – Vamana Remedy – Proper Technique, Facet Results, Administration

2. Virechana Dravya – Purgatives

विवृताश्यामादन्तीद्रवन्तीसप्तलाशङ्खिनीविषाणिकागवाक्षीच्छगलान्त्रीस्नुक्सु वर्णक्षीरीचित्रककिणिहीकुशकाशतिल्वककम्पिल्लकरम्यकपाटलापूगहरीतक्या मलकबिभीतकनीलिनीचतुरङ्गुलैरण्डपूतीकमहावृक्षसप्तच्छदार्का ज्योतिष्मती चेत्यधोभागहराणि |
तत्र तिल्वकपूर्वाणां मूलानि, तिल्वकादीनां पाटलान्तानां त्वचः, कम्पिल्लकफलरजः, पूगादीनामेरण्डान्तानां फलानि, पूतीकारग्वधयोः पत्राणि, शेषाणां क्षीराणीति ||४||
Adho Bhaga Hara Dravya / Virechaka Dravya – Under talked about medicine are mentioned to be adho bhaga hara in motion i.e., they take away the doshas from the decrease components of the physique. To place it in different phrases, these medicine produce purgation. Subsequently, these will be thought of as purgatory medicine. They’re –

  • Vivrita,
  • Shyama,
  • Danti,
  • Dravanti,
  • Saptala,
  • Shankhaini,
  • Vishanika,
  • Gavakshi,
  • Chagalantri,
  • Snuk,
  • Suvarnakshiri,
  • Chitraka,
  • Kinihi,
  • Kusha,
  • Kasha,
  • Tilvaka,
  • Kampillaka,
  • Ramyaka,
  • Patola,
  • Puga,
  • Haritaki,
  • Amalaki,
  • Vibhitaka,
  • Nilini,
  • Chaturangula,
  • Eranda,
  • Putika,
  • Mahavriksha,
  • Saptacchadi,
  • Arka and
  • Jyothishmati

 Amongst these medicine talked about earlier to Tilvaka, their roots solely are for use. Solely bark ought to be used on the medicine beginning with Tilvaka and ending with Patala.
Kampillaka – its mud (on the fruits) solely is for use. Solely fruits ought to be used of the medicine commencing with Puga and ending with Eranda.
Solely leaves of  Putika and aragvadha are for use, and of the remaining their milky sap solely ought to be used.
Learn – Virechana Remedy – Proper Technique, Facet Results, Administration

Vamana Virechana dravya

कोशातकी सप्तला शङ्खिनी देवदाली कारवेल्लिका चेत्युभयतोभागहराणि |
एषां स्वरसा इति ||५||

Ubhaya Bhagahara Dravyas – The beneath talked about medicine are known as as ubhaya bhagahara which implies that they’ll expel the doshas from each components i.e., higher and decrease components. Subsequently, they’re helpful in inflicting each vomiting and purgation –

  • Koshataki,
  • Saptala,
  • Shankhini,
  • Devadali,
  • Karavella 

 It’s their recent juice solely that’s for use. 
Learn – Advantages of Vamana and Virechana Remedy – Charaka Sutrasthana 16

3. Shiro Virechana – Purgatives to the pinnacle

पिप्पलीविडङ्गापामार्गशिग्रुसिद्धार्थकशिरीषमरिचकरवीरबिम्बीगिरिकर्णिकाकिणिहीवचाज्योतिष्मती- करञ्जार्कालर्कलशुनातिविषाशृङ्गवेरतालीशतमालसुरसार्जकेङ्गुदीमेषशृङ्गीमातुलुङ्गीमुरङ्गीपीलु- जातीशालतालमधूकलाक्षाहिङ्गुलवणमद्यगोशकृद्रसमूत्राणीति  शिरोविरेचनानि |
तत्र करवीरपूर्वाणां फलानि, करवीरादीनामर्कान्तानां मूलानि, तालीशपूर्वाणां कन्दाः, तालीशादीनामर्जकान्तानां पत्राणि, इङ्गुदीमेषशृङ्ग्योस्त्वचः, मातुलुङ्गीमुरङ्गीपीलुजातीनां पुष्पाणि, शालतालमधूकानां साराः, हिङ्गुलाक्षे निर्यासौ, लवणानि पार्थिवविशेषाः; मद्यान्यासुतसंयोगाः, शकृद्रसमूत्रे मलाविति ||६||
Shirovirechana – Under talked about medicine are mentioned to trigger shirovirechana i.e., head purging –

  • Pippali,
  • Vidanga,
  • Apamarga,
  • Shigru,
  • Siddhartha,
  • Shirisha,
  • Maricha,
  • Karavira,
  • Bimbi,
  • Girukarnika,
  • Kinihi,
  • Vacha,
  • Jyothishmati,
  • Karanja,
  • Arka,
  • Alarka,
  • Lashuna,
  • Ativisha,
  • Shringavera,
  • Talisa,
  • Tamala,
  • Surasa,
  • Arjaka,
  • Ingudi,
  • Meshashringi,
  • Matulungi,
  • Murangi,
  • Pilu,
  • Jati,
  • Shala,
  • Tala,
  • Madhuka,
  • Laksha,
  • Hingu,
  • Lavana (Salts),
  • Madya (wines)
  • Goshakrit rasa (juice of recent cow dung) and
  • Mutra (urines)

Amongst these,

  • medicine talked about earlier to Karavira, their fruits solely are to  be used;
  • these from Karavira and ending with Arka their roots solely are for use;
  • these earlier to Talisa, their rhizomes solely for use;
  • these from Talisa and ending with Arjaka, their leaves solely for use; 
  • the barks solely of Ingudi and Meshashringi ought to be used
  • flowers solely one among Matulungin, Murangi, Pilu and Jati for use;
  • pith solely of Shala, Tala and Madhuka is for use; 
  • gum solely of Hingu and Laksha is for use;
  • salts are merchandise of the earth (ores); wines are merchandise of  fermentation , juice of cow dung and urines are waste merchandise (of animals)

Notes: These medicine are administered by means of the nostril within the type of positive powder, recent juice, infusion, decoction, medicated oil or ghee producing purgation to the pinnacle.
Learn – Shirovirechanopaga Gana – Herbs helpful in Nasya therapy (nasal drops)

II. Samshamana – Palliative medicine

1.  Vata Samshamana – Palliative of vata

संशमनान्यत ऊर्ध्वं वक्ष्यामः- तत्र भद्रदारुकुष्ठहरिद्रावरुणमेषशृङ्गीबलातिबलार्तगलकच्छुराशल्लकीकुबेराक्षीवीरतरुसहचराग्निमन्थ- वत्सादन्येरण्डाश्मभेदकालर्कार्कशतावरीपुनर्नवावसुकवशिरकाञ्चनकभार्गीकार्पासीवृश्चिकालीपत्तूरबदरयवकोलकुलत्थप्रभृतीनि विदारिगन्धादिश्च द्वे चाद्ये पञ्चमूल्यौ समासेन वातसंशमनो वर्गः ||७||
We’ll now enumerate palliative medicine; equivalent to –

Under talked about are the herbs belonging to the ‘vata mitigating’ group –

  • Bhadradaru
  • Kustha,
  • Haridra,
  • Varuna,
  • Meshashringi,
  • Bala,
  • Atibala,
  • Artagala,
  • Kacchura,
  • Shallaki, 
  • Kuberakshi,
  • Virataru,
  • Sahachara,
  • Agnimantha,
  • Vatsadani,
  • Eranda,
  • Ashmabheda,
  • Kalaka,
  • Arka,
  • Shatavari,
  • Punarnava,
  • Vasuka,
  • Vashira,
  • Kanchanaka,
  • Bharngi,
  • Karpasi,
  • Vracikali, 
  • Pattura,
  • Badara,
  • Yava,
  • Kola,
  • Kulattha,
  • Medication of Vidarigandhadi gana,
  • the primary two Panchamula medicine

This in short is the group mitigating vata.
Learn – Sahacharadi Kashayam Makes use of, Components, Facet Results, Dose

2. Pitta Samshamana – Palliatives of Pitta

चन्दनकुचन्दनह्रीबेरोशीरमञ्जिष्ठापयस्याविदारीशतावरीगुन्द्राशैवलकह्लारकुमुदोत्पलकन्द(द)लीदूर्वामूर्वाप्रभृतीनि काकोल्यादिः सारिवादिरञ्जनादिरुत्पलादिर्न्यग्रोधादिस्तृणपञ्चमूलमिति समासेन पित्तसंशमनो वर्गः ||८||
Under talked about are the herbs belonging to the ‘pitta mitigating’ group –

  • Chandana,
  • Kuchandana,
  • Hribera,
  • Ushira,
  • Manjistha,
  • Payasya,
  • Vidari,
  • Shatavari,
  • Gundra,
  • Shaivala,
  • Kalhara,
  • Kumuda,
  • Utpala,
  • Durva,
  • Murva and so on.
  • medicine of Kakolyadi, Sarivadi, Anjanadi, Utpaladi, Nyagrodhadi  gana and Trina Pancamula

This in short is the group mitigating Pitta.

3. Kapha samshamana – Palliatives of Kapha

कालेयकागुरुतिलपर्णीकुष्ठहरिद्राशीतशिवशतपुष्पासरलारास्नाप्रकीर्योदकीर्येङ्गुदीसुमना- काकादनीलाङ्गलकीहस्तिकर्णमुञ्जातकलामज्जकप्रभृतीनि वल्लीकण्टकपञ्चमूल्यौ पिप्पल्यादिर्बृहत्यादिर्मुष्ककादिर्वचादिः सुरसादिरारग्वधादिरिति समासेन श्लेष्मसंशमनो वर्गः ||९||
Under talked about are the herbs belonging to the ‘kapha mitigating’ group –

  • Kaleeka,
  • Aguru,
  • Tilaparni,
  • Kustha,
  • Haridra,
  • Shitashiva,
  • Shatapushpa
  • Sarala,
  • Rasna,
  • Prakriya,
  • Udakirya,
  • Ingudi,
  • Sumana,
  • Kakadani, 
  • Langalaki,
  • Hastikarna,
  • Munjataka,
  • Lamajjaka, and so on.
  • medicine of Valli Panchamula, Kantaka Panchamula; Pippalyadi, Brihatyadi, Mushkakadi, Vachadi, Surasadi   and Aragvadhadi  gana

This in short, is Sleshma samshamana varga – group of medicine mitigating Kapha.

Samapramana upayoga – Use in applicable dose

तत्र सर्वाण्येवौषधानि व्याध्यग्निपुरुषबलान्यभिसमीक्ष्य विदध्यात् |
तत्र, व्याधिबलादधिकमौषधमुपयुक्तं तमुपशम्य व्याधिं व्याधिमन्यमावहति; अग्निबलादधिकमजीर्णं विष्टभ्य वा पच्यते; पुरुषबलादधिकं ग्लानिमूर्च्छामदानावहति संशमनम्; एवं संशोधनमतिपातयति |
हीनमेभ्यो दत्तमकिञ्चित्करं भवति |
तस्मात् सममेव विदध्यात् ||१०||

  • All these medicine ought to be administered after contemplating the energy of the illness, digestive fireplace and energy of the physique of the affected person.
  • Palliative medicine (medicines), if utilized in extra (dosage) of the energy of the illness, after relieving that illness the medicines will give rise to a different illness.
  • Drugs if utilized in extra of digestion energy (agni) will trigger vistabdha i.e., painful circumstances within the stomach and get digested after a very long time.
  • Drugs, if utilized in extra of the energy of the individual, offers rise to exhaustion, fainting and intoxication (toxicity).
  • Equally, purificatory medicine additionally give troubles to the affected person if administered in extra of the energy of the illness, digestive fireplace (energy) and affected person.
  • Medicines given in inadequate portions of the energy of the illness, digestive fireplace and affected person will turn into futile (don’t produce any impact).

Therefore, these ought to be utilized in appropriate portions as applicable to the energy of illness, digestion capability (agni) and the affected person.
Learn – Charaka Siddhisthana Chapter 6 – Vamana Virechana Vyapat Siddhi

भवन्ति चात्र-
रोगे शोधनसाध्ये तु यो भवेद्दोषदुर्बलः |
तस्मै दद्याद्भिषक् प्राज्ञो दोषप्रच्यावानं मृदु ||११||
चले दोषे मृदौ कोष्ठे नेक्षेतात्र बलं नृणाम् |
अव्याधिदुर्बलस्यापि शोधनं हि तदा भवेत् ||१२||
स्वयं प्रवृत्तदोषस्य मृदुकोष्ठस्य शोधनम् |
भवेदल्पबलस्यापि प्रयुक्तं व्याधिनाशनम् ||१३||
In ailments to be handled with purificatory therapies, in sufferers who’ve turn into weak as a result of impression of robust and morbid doshas, the clever doctor ought to administer purificatory medicine in delicate doses to get rid of the delicate dosa (barely elevated Dosa) easily. 
When the doshas are unsteady (circulating) and the bowel motion is mushy, then the energy of the individual needn’t be thought of; since purification is useful even in individuals who aren’t debilitated by ailments. Purifactory medicine administered will remedy the ailments; when the Doshas are going out of the physique on their very own, in the one that has mushy bowel actions and even when the individual is of poor energy, purgatives will remedy the illness.

Aushada matra – Dose of medication

व्याध्यादिषु तु मध्येषु क्वाथस्याञ्जलिरिष्यते |
बिडालपदकं चूर्णं देयः कल्कोऽक्षसम्मितः ||१४||

When ailments and so on. (energy of digestive fireplace and of the affected person) are average, the dose of decoction ought to be one anjali (160 gm / ml), that of powders ought to be Bidalapadaka (aksa – 910gms) and the dose of paste ought to be one aksa (10 gms)

इति श्रीसुश्रुतसंहितायां सूत्रस्थाने  संशोधनसंशमनीयोनामैकोनचत्वारिंशोऽध्यायः ॥३९॥
Thus ends the chapter by identify Samshodhana – Samshamaniya in Sutra Sthana Samhita.


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