This text explains Sushruta Samhita Sutrasthana Chapter 36 “Bhumi Pravibhageeya Adhyaya” – Classification of land area.

Bhumi Pravibhageeya Adhyaya
Classification of land area
अथातो भूमिप्रविभागीयमध्यायं व्याख्यास्यामः ||१||
यथोवाच भगवान् धन्वन्तरिः ||२||
We are going to now expound the chapter by identify Bhumi Pravibhageeya – classification of land areas, as revealed by the venerable Dhanvantari.
Learn – Lord Dhanwantari ‘The God of Ayurveda’
Samanya bhumi pariksha
Common examination of land
श्वभ्रशर्कराश्मविशमवल्मीकश्मशानाघातनदेवतायतनसिकताभिरनुपहतामनूषरामभङ्गुरामदूरोदकां स्निग्धां प्ररोहवतीं मृद्वीं स्थिरां समां कृष्णां गौरीं लोहितां वा भूमिमौषधग्रहणाय परीक्षेत। तस्यां जातमपि कृमिविषशस्त्रातपपवनदहनतोयसंबाधमार्गौरनुपहतमेकरसं पुष्टं पृथ्ववगाढमुलमूदीच्यां चौषधमाददीतेत्येष भूमिपरीक्षाविशेषः सामान्यः ॥३॥
For the aim of gathering herbs and medicines, the land area ought to be examined first typically.
The land which is having the beneath talked about qualities ought to be looked for rising (and later gathering) the medicinal herbs. The land ought to –
- not be bothered, (broken) by the presence of burrows, potsherd, stones,
- not be uneven (ups and downs),
- not have ant-hills, locations of cremation and slaughtering, temples, and sand dunes (in or round it);
- not be alkaline,
- not be fragile;
- have the water not too far-off or too deep when the bottom is dug (has steady flowing water close by),
- be unctuous,
- have sprouts of vegetation;
- have smooth soil,
- be steady and even (uniform),
- be black, white or crimson in coloration,
The herbs (medicinal vegetation) grown within the land having the above mentioned qualities ought to
- not be infested by bugs,
- not be broken by poison, sharp weapons, daylight, breeze, hearth, water (rain) and roads;
- have one finest style (predominantly)
- be effectively nourished / grown (stout)
- have its roots thick and deep rooted and spreading northwards
One ought to gather such vegetation by sitting going through north. That is the overall technique of examination of the land.
Panchavidha Bhumi
5 sorts of lands
विशेषतस्तु तत्र, अश्मवती स्थिरा गुर्वी श्यामा कृष्णा वा स्थूलवृक्षशस्यप्राया स्वगुणभूयिष्ठा; स्निग्धा शीतलाऽऽसन्नोदका स्निग्धशस्यतृणकोमलवृक्षप्राया शुक्लाऽम्बुगुणभूयिष्ठा; नानावर्णा लघ्वश्मवती प्रविरलाल्पपाण्डुवृक्षप्ररोहाऽग्निगुणभूयिष्ठा; रूक्षा भस्मरासभवर्णा तनुवृक्षाल्परसकोटरवृक्षप्रायाऽनिलगुणभूयिष्ठा; मृद्वी समा श्वभ्रवत्यव्यक्तरसजला सर्वतोऽसारवृक्षा महापर्वतवृक्षप्राया श्यामा चाकाशगुणभूयिष्ठा ||४||
- To be extra particular right here (relating to options of land);
- The land which is rocky, steady, heavy, bluish black or black, with extra large timber and vegetation can have the parthiva qualities – options of the earth.
- The land which is unctuous (sticky), chilly, with water close by (have the water not too far-off or too deep when the bottom is dug), with extra of unctuous (juicy) vegetation, grass, tender timber, soil being white in coloration, can have ambu gunas – i.e., options of water predominantly.
- The land which has extra of small rocks, of many colours, small white timber, vegetation and sprouts; rising sparsely (with a lot house between one and the opposite) will likely be predominant in agni guna i.e., the land will likely be predominant with qualities of fireplace.
- The land which is dry, have the colour of ash or a donkey, can have loads of small dry vegetation with tree holes (hollows within the vegetation) with much less of juices is predominant in anila guna i.e., qualities of air.
- The land which has smooth soil, even, pits (depressions) within the floor, juice of vegetation and water being not tasty, sapless timber rising throughout, with extra of big mountains and timber and blue-black soil is the land with predominance of akasha gunas i.e., qualities of the sky.
Aushadhi sangrahana Kala
Time (season) of assortment of herbs
अत्र केचिदाहुराचार्याः-
प्रावृड्वर्षाशरद्धेमन्तवसन्तग्रीष्मेषु यथासङ्ख्यं मूलपत्रत्वक्क्षीरसारफलान्याददीतेति;
तत्तु न सम्यक्, सौम्याग्नेयत्वाज्जगतः |
सौम्यान्यौषधानि सौम्येष्वृतुष्वाददीत, आग्नेयान्याग्नेयेषु;
एवमव्यापन्नगुणानि भवन्ति |
सौम्यान्यौषध्मनि सौम्येष्वृतुषु गृहीतानि सोमगुणभूयिष्ठायां भूमौ जातान्यतिमधुरस्निग्धशीतानि जायन्ते |
एतेन शेषं व्याख्यातम् ||५||
Right here in (on this matter) some authorities say – roots, leaves, barks, milk (sap), pith and fruits ought to be collected in seasons reminiscent of Pravrt (early wet), Varsa (wet), Sarart (autumn), Hemanta (early winter), Vasanta (Spring) and Grisma (summer time) respectively.
This isn’t appropriate, for the reason that entire world is predominantly saumya (chilly just like the moon in qualities and gentle in properties) and Agneya (hearth, scorching in qualities and powerful in properties). Therefore medicine that are chilly in qualities ought to be collected throughout chilly seasons and medicines that are scorching in qualities ought to be collected in scorching seasons. Then their qualities will likely be non-vitiated (regular, normal).
Herbs and medicines possessing chilly properties, collected throughout chilly seasons, in lands that are predominantly chilly in options, will likely be sweeter in style, unctuous and chilly.
On this means the remaining one (Agneya) can also be described.
Learn – Ritucharya – Ayurvedic Seasonal Routine – third Chapter – Ashtang Hriday
Assortment of purgative and emetic medicine
तत्र पृथिव्यम्बुगुणभूयिष्ठायां भूमौ जातानि विरेचनद्रव्याण्याददीत, अग्न्याकाशमारुतगुणभूयिष्ठायां वमनद्रव्याणि, उभयगुणभूयिष्ठायामुभयतोभागानि, आकाशगुणभूयिष्ठायां संशमनानि,
एवं बलवत्तराणि भवन्ति ||६||
Purgative medicine ought to be collected from land areas possessing qualities of Prthvi and Ambu.
Emetic medicine from land areas with qualities of agni, Aksasa and Maruta.
Medicine appearing in each methods (purgative and emetic) ought to be collected from lands having each qualities.
Palliative medicine ought to be collected from lands which possess qualities of Akasa.
Collected on this method the medicine will likely be stronger (potent).
Learn – Vamana Virechana – Emesis and Purgation – Ashtanga Hridayam Sutrasthana 18
Abhinava Aushadha – Recent medicine
सर्वाण्येव चाभिनवानि, अन्यत्र मधुघृतगुडपिप्पलीविडङ्गेभ्यः ||७||
All of the medicine collected ought to be recent, besides Honey, ghee, Jaggery, Pippali (Piper longum) and Vidanga (Embelia ribes).
Medicine / Herbs that are helpful regardless of not being recent
विडङ्गं पिप्पली क्षौद्रं सर्पिश्चाप्यनवं हितम् |
शेषमन्यत्वभिनवं गृह्णीयाद्दोषवर्जितम् ||८||
Vidanga (Embelia ribes), Pippali (Piper longum), Honey and Ghee – which aren’t recent (outdated) are helpful; whereas all of the remaining ought to be recent however with out blemishes.
Herbs with sap
सर्वाण्येव सक्षीराणि वीर्यवन्ति; तेषामसम्पत्तावतिक्रान्तसंवत्सराण्याददीतेति ||९||
All herbs having their sap will likely be stronger. When such herbs usually are not out there, then these which aren’t multiple yr outdated ought to be made use of for remedy.
Bheshaja Vyakti – Paraphysicians
भवन्ति चात्र-
गोपालास्तापसा व्याधा ये चान्ये वनचारिणः |
मूलाहाराश्च ये तेभ्यो भेषजव्यक्तिरिष्यते ||१०||
Cowherbs, ascetics, hunters, tribals and such others who roam within the forests for gathering roots (herbs) are referred to as as Bheshaja Vyakti – individuals akin to physicians /para-physicians.
Proper time of assortment of herbs whose all components are utilized in preparation of medicines
सर्वावयवसाध्येषु पलाशलवणादिषु |
व्यवस्थितो न कालोऽस्ति तत्र सर्वो विधीयते ||११||
For assortment of herbs utilized in all its components (all components of timber or vegetation are utilized in preparation of medicines) as in Palasa Lavana and so forth. (talked about as patralavana, Kanda lavana and so forth. within the remedy of Vata Vyadhi chap. 4 of Chikitsa Sthana) there isn’t a particular time (seasons) and all seasons are appropriate.
Learn – Vata Issues (Vatavyadhi): Definition, Causes, Signs
Sorts of land based on their scent, coloration and tastes
गन्धवर्णरसोपेता षडिवधा भूमिरिष्यते ।
तस्माद्धमिस्वभावेन बीजिनः षड्रसायुताः ॥१२॥
Lands possessing scent, coloration and tastes prominently are of six sorts. Timber / vegetation are endowed with six tastes, based on the character of the land.
How does style get manifested in water?
अव्यक्तः किल तोयस्य रसो निश्चयनिश्चितः |
रसः स एव चाव्यक्तो व्यक्तो भूमिरसाद्भवेत् ||१३||
It has been determined that the style of water is un-manifest (tasteless). The identical un-manifest style will get manifest after combining with the style of the land (soil).
Learn – Six Tastes Of Ayurveda: Qualities, Advantages, Therapeutic Motion (Shad Rasa)
Sadharana Desha
सर्वलक्षणसम्पन्ना भूमिः साधारणा स्मृता |
द्रव्याणि यत्र तत्रैव तद्गुणानि विशेषतः ||१४||
The land having the options of all types (of lands) is called Sadharana desa (reasonable/ temperate area). Herbs belonging to such lands possess the identical qualities of the land particularly.
Medicine match to be used
विगन्धेनापरामृष्टमविपन्नं रसादिभिः |
नवं द्रव्यं पुराणं वा ग्राह्यमेवं विनिर्दिशेत् ||१५||
That drug whether or not recent or outdated which doesn’t have an uncommon scent, style and so forth. (apart from its regular ones) may be thought of appropriate to be used.
Assortment of animal merchandise
जङ्गमानां वयःस्थानां रक्तरोमनखादिकम् |
क्षीरमूत्रपुरीषाणि जीर्णाहारेषु संहरेत् ||१६||
Animal merchandise reminiscent of blood, physique hairs, nails, and so forth ought to be obtained from animals of center age. Milk, urine and excreta ought to be obtained (collected) after the digestion of meals (consumed by animals).
Learn – Assortment And Preservation Of Ayurvedic Herbs
Bheshajagara – drug retailer
प्लोतमृद्भाण्डफलकशङ्कुविन्यस्तभेषजम् |
प्रशस्तायां दिशि शुचौ भेषजागारमिष्यते ||१७||
It’s described to assemble a drug retailer in an auspicious path and clear place; and medicines stored (lined or certain) in sheets of fabric, positioned inside earthen pots organized on wood planks or hung by hooks.
इति श्रीसुश्रुतसंहितायां सूत्रस्थाने भूमिप्रविभागीयो नाम षट्त्रिं शोध्यायः ॥३६॥
Thus ends the Thirty-seven chapter by identify Bhumi Pravibhageeya, in Sutra sthana of Sushruta samhita.