Sushruta Samhita Chapter 31 Chaya vipratipatti Adhyaya

This text explains Sushruta Samhita Sutrasthana Chapter 31 “Chaya vipratipatti Adhyaya” – Deadly indicators of complexion and many others.

Chaya vipratipatti Adhyaya- Deadly indicators of complexion- and many others.

अथातश्छायाविप्रतिपत्तिमध्यायं व्याख्यास्यामः ||१||
यथोवाच भगवान् धन्वन्तरिः ||२||

Now, we’ll expound the chapter by title Chaya Vipratipatti – deadly indicators are relating to shade / complexion; as revealed by the venerable Dhanvantari.
Learn – Lord Dhanwantari ‘The God of Ayurveda’

Chaya prabha rishta

Deadly indicators of shade

श्यावा लोहितिका नीला पीतिका वाऽपि मानवम् |
अभिद्रवन्ति यं छायाः स परासुरसंशयम् ||३||

Black, crimson, blue, or yellow, shades manifesting rapidly (with out another trigger) in an individual, such a person must be thought of as going to die, doubtless.

ह्रीरपक्रमते यस्य प्रभास्मृतिधृतिश्रियः |
अकस्माद्यं भजन्ते वा स गतासुरसंशयम् ||४||

He, who loses shyness, lustre, reminiscence ,braveness and wealth (and different needs) or who attains these with none cause, each must be thought of  as going to die, with out  doubt.

 Notes:-  Dalhana furnishes particulars of those phrases as follows:-‘Chaya” shade is that which invades varna (color) and is recognizable from nearness.

  • “Prabha” (lustre) is that which illuminates varna (color) and is recognizable even from a distance.
  • Regular colors of the physique are 4 viz. Gaura (white), Krsna (black), Syama (blue, black / brown) and Gaurasyama (whitish blue).
  • Chaya (shades) is 5 viz, Snigdha (unctuous/oily),  Vimala (clear, clear), Ruksa (dry, coarse), Malina (soiled, turbid), Sanksipta (condensed, blended).
  • Prabha (lustre) is seven viz. Rakta (crimson), Pita (yellow), Sita (white), Syava (blue), Harita (inexperienced),Pandura (yellowish white) and Asita (black).
  • Varna (major color), Chaya (totally different shades of color) and Prabha (lustre) collectively type complexion.
    Learn – Dangerous Prognosis Of Ailments Primarily based On Desires and Shadows

Sarira Laksana chesta arista

Deadly indicators of options and actions of physique components

यस्याधरौष्ठः पतितः क्षिप्तश्चोर्ध्वं तथोत्तरः |
उभौ वा जाम्बवाभासौ दुर्लभं तस्य जीवितम् ||५||
आरक्ता दशना यस्य श्यावा वा स्युः पतन्ति वा |
खञ्जनप्रतिमा वाऽपि तं गतायुषमादिशेत् ||६||
कृष्णा स्तब्धाऽवलिप्ता वा जिह्वा शूना च यस्य वै |
कर्कशा वा भवेद्यस्य सोऽचिराद्विजहात्यसून् ||७||
कुटिला स्फुटिता वाऽपि शुष्का वा यस्य नासिका |
अवस्फूर्जति मग्ना वा न स जीवति मानवः ||८||
सङ्क्षिप्ते विषमे स्तब्धे रक्ते स्रस्ते च लोचने |
स्यातां वा प्रस्रुते यस्य स गतायुर्नरो ध्रुवम् ||९||
केशाः सीमन्तिनो यस्य सङ्क्षिप्ते विनते भ्रुवौ |
लुण्डन्ति चाक्षिपक्ष्माणि सोऽचिराद्याति मृत्यवे ||१०||

  • He, whose decrease lips are dropping down and the higher lip lifted up or each lips showing like a ripe fruit of Jambu (bluish black in color) then his life is troublesome to stay (positive to die).
  • He, whose tooth are both crimson or black or fall off or change into like blue in color like the color of Khanjana chook (the paste utilized to the Mrdanga – musical instrument), must be thought of as lifeless (whose life span has been accomplished).
  • He, whose tongue is black, static (with none motion), coated (furred), swollen or very tough (coarse) – goes to die rapidly.
  • He, whose nostril is irregular, cracked, dry, makes sound (nasal sound) or depressed (gone deep inside) such an individual won’t dwell.
  • He, whose eyes change into constricted, crooked (irregular), stiff (static, no actions), blood crimson, drops down or outwards or has tearing must be thought of to die quickly.
  • He, whose hairs change into parted, whose eyebrows are constricted and drooping down, whose eyelashes are shifting consistently (throbbing) / who retains plucking his eyebrows consistently – such an individual goes to die quickly.
    Learn – Charaka Indriya Sthana seventh Chapter Pannaroopiya Indriyam

नाहरत्यन्नमास्यस्थं न धारयति यः शिरः |
एकाग्रदृष्टिर्मूढात्मा सद्यः प्राणान् जहाति सः ||११||
बलवान् दुर्बलो वाऽपि सम्मोहं योऽधिगच्छति |
उत्थाप्यमानो बहुशस्तं पक्वं भिषगादिशेत् ||१२||
उत्तानः सर्वदा शेते पादौ विकुरुते च यः |
विप्रसारणशीलो वा न स जीवति मानवः ||१३||
शीतपादकरोच्छ्वासश्छिन्नोच्छ्वासश्च यो भवेत् |
काकोच्छ्वासश्च यो मर्त्यस्तं धीरः परिवर्जयेत् ||१४||
निद्रा न छिद्यते यस्य यो वा जागर्ति सर्वदा |
मुह्येद्वा वक्तुकामश्च प्रत्याख्येयः स जानता ||१५||
उत्तरौष्ठं च यो लिह्यादुत्कारांश्च करोति यः |
प्रेतैर्वा भाषते सार्धं प्रेतरूपं तमादिशेत् ||१६||

  • He who can’t swallow the meals current within the mouth, who can’t maintain his head straight, whose gaze is fastened at one level, and who has misplaced consciousness goes to die instantly.
  • An individual who typically turns into unconscious even after being woke up (made aware) despite him being a powerful man or a weak man must be understood as ripe for demise (i.e., nearing to demise).
  • The one that lies (sleeps) together with his face up (wanting up) all the time, makes vigorous leg actions or is unable to contract his legs won’t survive for lengthy.
  • The clever doctor ought to reject an individual whose toes, palms or expiration has change into chilly, who has interrupted respiratory or who breathes like a crow (opening the mouth huge).
  • A clever doctor ought to reject (mustn’t deal with) an individual whose sleep doesn’t get reduce within the center (uninterrupted sleep), or is all the time awake, or turns into unconscious when wanting to talk.
  • The one that sucks or licks his higher lips, and belches typically or talks to the pretas (ghost or lifeless individuals) must be thought of to have acquired the type of preta (lifeless).
    Learn – Arishta Lakshanas – Ominous Indicators And Signs Indicating Dangerous Prognosis

Roga Lakshana Arista

खेभ्यः सरोमकूपेभ्यो यस्य रक्तं प्रवर्तते |
पुरुषस्याविषार्तस्य सद्यो जह्यात् स जीवितम् ||१७||
वाताष्ठीला तु हृदये यस्योर्ध्वमनुयायिनी |
रुजान्नविद्वेषकरी स परासुरसंशयम् ||१८||
अनन्योपद्रवकृतः शोफः पादसमुत्थितः |
पुरुषं हन्ति, नारीं तु मुखजो गुह्यजो द्वयम् ||१९||
अतिसारो ज्वरो हिक्का छर्दिः शूनाण्डमेढ्रता |
श्वासिनः कासिनो वाऽपि यस्य तं क्षीणमादिशेत् ||२०||
स्वेदो दाहश्च बलवान् हिक्का श्वासश्च मानवम् |
बलवन्तमपि प्राणैर्वियुञ्जन्ति न संशयः ||२१||
श्यावा जिह्वा भवेद्यस्य सव्यं चाक्षि निमज्जति |
मुखं च जायते पूति यस्य तं परिवर्जयेत् ||२२||
वक्त्रमापूर्यतेऽश्रूणां स्विद्यतश्चरणावुभौ |
चक्षुश्चाकुलतां याति यमराष्ट्रं गमिष्यतः ||२३||
अतिमात्रं लघूनि स्युर्गात्राणि गुरुकाणि वा |
यस्याकस्मात् स विज्ञेयो गन्ता वैवस्वतालयम् ||२४||
पङ्कमत्स्यवसातैलघृतगन्धांश्च ये नराः |
मृष्टगन्धांश्च ये वान्ति गन्तारस्ते यमालयम् ||२५||
यूका ललाटमायान्ति बलिं नाश्नन्ति वायसाः |
येषां चापि रतिर्नास्ति यातारस्ते यमालयम् ||२६||
ज्वरातिसारशोफाः स्युर्यस्यान्योन्यावसादिनः |
प्रक्षीणबलमांसस्य नासौ शक्यश्चिकित्सितम् ||२७||
क्षीणस्य यस्य क्षुत्तृष्णे हृद्यैर्मिष्टैर्हितैस्तथा |
न शाम्यतोऽन्नपानैश्च तस्य मृत्युरुपस्थितः ||२८||
प्रवाहिका शिरःशूलं कोष्ठशूलं च दारुणम् |
पिपासा बलहानिश्च तस्य मृत्युरुपस्थितः ||२९||

  • The particular person in whom blood flows out from the orifices of the physique (mouth, nostril, ear, eyes, rectum, urethra, vagina) and hair follicles although he isn’t struggling  from poison (despite impact of any type of poison will not be there) – such an individual goes to die instantly.
  • He, whose coronary heart develops ache just like Asthila of Vata origin (enlargement  of prostate), onerous like stone – radiating upwards, producing extreme ache and aversion to meals – such an individual is lifeless (thought of to be lifeless or nearer to demise) with none doubt.
  • Swelling not produced as a complication of another illnesses (i.e., developed independently) commencing from the toes goes to kill the male affected person. Comparable sort of swelling which commences from the face kills the feminine affected person. Comparable sort of swelling which develops from the genital organs would kill each female and male sufferers.
  • The affected person of dyspnoea or cough, who has diarrhoea, fever, hiccup, vomiting, swelling of the scrotum / testes and penis must be thought of as dropping his life quickly.
  • An excessive amount of of perspiration, burning sensation, highly effective hiccup and dyspnoea; these take away the lifetime of even a powerful man with none doubt.
  • The affected person must be rejected (mustn’t deal with) an individual whose tongue turns into blue black, left eye sinks (goes deep inside) and the mouth emits foul scent.
  • He, whose face is full of profuse tears, each the toes are sweating profusely and eyes change into turbid (stuffed with dust) such an individual goes to the dominion of Yama (Lord of  demise).
  • He, whose physique turns into very gentle or very heavy with none cause, such an individual must be understood as one going to the abode of Lord or demise.
  • The Individuals who emit the scent of slush, fish, muscle fats, oil, ghee or perhaps a combination of smells (scent of combination of many issues) are going to the abode of the God of demise.
  • Individuals in whom lice transfer about on his brow, crows don’t eat the oblations given by him, who don’t discover consolation / happiness in something, they’ll the abode of Yama(demise).
  • Those that  are affected by fever, diarrhoea and oedema and (dropsy) every complicating  with the opposite, who’re very weak in power and muscle tissue can’t be handled in any respect.
  • The emaciated particular person, whose starvation and thirst don’t subside with nice, candy and wholesome meals and drinks, after which demise is close to to him.
  • Loss of life is close to to the one that has extreme dysentery, headache, and ache within the stomach, thirst and lack of power.
    Learn – Dangerous Prognosis Primarily based On Premonitory Signs Of Illness – Purvarupiya Arishta

विषमेणोपचारेण कर्मभिश्च पुराकृतैः |
अनित्यत्वाच्च जन्तूनां जीवितं निधनं व्रजेत् ||३०||
 प्रेता भूताः पिशाचाश्च रक्षांसि विविधानि च |
मरणाभिमुखं नित्यमुपसर्पन्ति मानवम् ||३१||
तानि भेषजवीर्याणि प्रतिघ्नन्ति जिघांसया |
तस्मान्मोघाः क्रियाः सर्वा भवन्त्येव गतायुषाम् ||३२||

Life turns into extinct because of improper administration of remedy, actions of the earlier life and non-eternal nature of dwelling beings. Totally different sorts of Preta, Bhuta, Pissaca, Raksasa and many others. all the time wander close to the dying particular person. Desirous of killing them, they destroy the efficiency of medicines. Due to this fact, all types of remedies (and medicines) change into futile in a dying particular person.
Thus ends the Thirty first chapter by title Chaya Pratipatti in Sutra Sthana of Sushrutha Samhita.


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